Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann along with all the gadjets. Kaiyodo should at least includes Yoko's rifle and Viral's katana here!
Front and rear view of TTGL. TTGL spot a design similiar to Gurren Lagann with a few exceptions notably the 10 red skulls that can be found all over the body.
Close up on the front view. Sorry for the lousy shots. I need to brush up on my photography skill.
Spiral energy burns in the center of the face on the chest that radiates flame which gives TTGL the appearance of the Dai-Gurren Brigade's emblem.
Its abdominal mouth is clenched onto the head of the Lazengann, containing a fully resurrected Lord Genome.
Galaxy-sized GIGA DRILL!!!!!
Kaiyodo has done an excellent job with this figure with minor paintjob problem. One of my complain regarding this figure is the tone for the red. Kaiyodo should use a brighter red similiar to that of the box art instead of the dark red they used on the actual production. It gives TTGL a dull appearance compare to the previous 2 Gurren Lagann release. That aside, there is also room for improvement for the head. Perhaps, it is too small (smaller than Gurren Lagann) hence it is difficult for the sculptor to work with. I find the facial expression a bit emotionless. At least give us a head with that cocky grin!
All in all, TTGL is a great release. Now I will patiently wait for Kaiyodo to release a Great Zamboa so that I can pair it with TTGL. :D
Wow! You are very fast to get this babe, bro! Although the qc looks a bit bad if compare with the previous Guren Lagann figure, but as a GL fan, I will get it, hehehe...
Yeah! You should get this too. Im looking forward to get myself Enkidu. Hopefully Kaiyodo will release a Grand Zamboa soon. :P
Never heard Kaiyodo will release Grand Zamboa, I hope they will make it too, hehehe...
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