Hehe. This time I am playing the role of a Ashigaru (foot soldier) in the shogun period. But mind you! I am not a helpless cannon fodder!
Since Gunsou-san refuse to let me touch his ride so i have Kururu along with that slave scientist build me an exact copy. Now I can follow Gunsou-san everywhere he goes! Ehe!
I can dock my bike to the Ashigaru robot and gain control of it. BIKE ON!!!
Side view.
Rear view.
Salute! All hail the great Keron Empire!!!
You definitely do not want me to stick you with this. By the way, where is that pesky woman... Ano onna!!!
This robo has an alternative form as kraken. Now I can go cruise the sea with Gunsou-san! Love love desu!!!
Different view for the alternative form.
Close up on the interior of the robo.
Eh? Where did Gunsou-san go? I want to impress him with this awesome mecha of mine! Ehe!
Wow! This is nice and cute! Like the mechanic hands very much! :)
That hand is actually model after one of Gaogaigar's hand if you are familiar with the anime. :P
Lol! Guess I am a bit out already....XD
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