Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Saint Seiya Myth Cloth - Griffin Minos

Together with Wyvern Rhadamanthys and Garuda Aiacos, Griffin Minos serves Hades as the 3 Judges of Hell. Minos power lies in the Celestial Noble Star. Amongst all of the Specters in the Hades arc, Minos was shown to be one of the most powerful.

Front view of Minos with his surplice.

Close up on Minos. He is usually depicted with a bang to hide his eyes.

Griffon Minos' one and only known attack is his "Cosmic Marionettion" technique. As the name suggests, the move allows Minos to wrap his opponent with strings of Cosmo energy, entrapping and turning them into living, human marionnettes.

Once he has trapped his enemy, he will proceed to torture them before killing them.

The Griffon surplice is really something to behold. The Griffon is a mythical creature which is half lion half eagle. It symbolize nobility hence the Celestial Noble Star.

Minos was a prominent character in the Hades arc but he was killed after he jumped into the cosmic river in order to chase after the Saints.

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