Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Dragon's Crown

Enter Hydeland, a land of fantasy inhabited by majestic beast and being from all known lore. You play as one of the six classes in this game. The fighter, wizard, sorceress, elf, amazon and dwarf. Every each of the classes play differently from each other. The dwarf and fighter specialize in melee attack while the sorceress and wizard special in range. The elf sits in the middle of those classes.

The artwork and music were masterfully crafted. Every single sprite and soundtrack were able to capture the character and moment. Even though there are limited stages to play in, I have spent countless hours on the game. One of the reason for that was the great loot system. The game constantly rewards the player with new upgrade in each of the run. The fun increased when the game was played with multiple players.

All in all, Dragon's Crown is a great beat em up game which you should not miss if you are a fan of the genre.

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