Zx-Tole was formidable Hyper Zoanoid before he was reprocess. Now, he is a rampaging monster bent on vengeance. He gains mass and now took on the physique of Derzerb.

If he looks like a Stag Beetle before, now he looks like a Stag-Rhino hybrid. Notice that most of the surfaces on this figure are reflective.

The primary weapon of Neo Zx-Tole is its beam weapon. The beam weapons are concealed in the forearms, thighs and forehead.

Next in line is Thancrus' high frequency blade. The blade is similar in nature to the Guyver's high frequency blade.

Concealed in his shoulder's are Gaster's biological missile. These missiles are created using Zx-Tole's own body mass.

This figure comes with a pair of transparent wings for Neo Zx-Tole. These are the exact wings used for Aptom and Zx-Tole. Neo Zx-Tole with its outstretched wings are really a sight to behold.

The most destructive weapon on Zx-Tole's arsenal is his Final Blaster Tempest. He absorbs heat energy from the sun and channel it to the cannon situated in his torso. In a bid of desperation, he fired the Final Blaster Tempest at Gigantic Guyver. The attack is so powerful that the feedback disintegrate Neo Zx-Tole, ending his tragic life.