The King of Fist is back in Hokuto Musou with a set of new attire.

Out-of-box content. I do not recall getting 2 stands for this figure. I guess that was a technical error on my part while I was taking picture for this figure.

Front view of Raoh without his cape.

Close up on Raoh. There is a slight improvement in terms of the face sculpt.

Back view of the figure.

There was a lot of folds and tones on the clothes and trinkets.

Raoh was a master of the Go no Ken (Fist of Strength).

"Tensho Honretsu".

The king bows to no one!

Raoh with the shoulder guards.

There is a slight improvement in the head sculpt.

The grinning face fits Raoh the most.

Another view of the rear of the figure with the shoulder guards.

Raoh can literally smash anyone into a pulp with his fists.

Raoh with his full attire. He looks very much like a viking lord.

The robe was made up of 3 parts which is similar to the earlier release.

This figure does not suffer the "wobbly head" effect on the previous figure which was caused by the over-sized helmet.

No one can stand against the might of Kenoh!
This figure is a lot more refined compare to the previous release. It basically puts the previous Raoh figure to shame due to the improved face sculpt, joints and design.