Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Robot Damashii Doraemon

Known as the robot cat from the future. Doraemon was sent back in time by a young boy named Sewashi Nobi to change the circumstances of his great grandfather, Nobita Nobi so that his descendants (Sewashi is one of them) may enjoy a better future.

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Out-of-box content. The accessories come in the form of eye plates, facial expression and some futuristic gadget.

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Doraemon with it's ears. This is not canon since Doraemon cannot be blue and still retains it's ears.

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This is the usual depiction of Doraemon. I would say this is the best figure of Doraemon to date.

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Side view of Doraemon.

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Back view of Doraemon. That is a round head alright.

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A lot of engineering work has been poured into designing this figure. The joints at the arm spot one of the most complicated joint design which I find difficult to describe.

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Doraemon comes with 2 separate facial plate which can be swapped onto the figure for different facial expression.

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Doraemon is happy.

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Doraemon is mad.

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The eye plates can be mixed and match to create some unique expression. Nothing lightens up Doraemon's like a dorayaki.

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Doraemon pulling out the Dokodemo door from his fourth dimension pocket.

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Another widely used gadget. The small/big light.

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Last but not least, the take-copter which enable the user to fly.

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This is how Doraemon will react everytime it sees a mouse.

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Why oh why!!!My beloved Dorayaki!

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I almost forgot about the air cannon. Die you fiend!!!
It is difficult for me to admit that I was and still is a Doraemon fan deep down inside. This is the figure to get if you are looking for a Doraemon figure which is pose able with some degree of articulation. In fact, I have to admit that I have a lot of fun posing it while taking photos of it. Grab this figure before it returns to our future!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Revoltech #123EX Hunter Swordsman Azure Rathalos

Azure Rathalos is a subspecies from the Rathalos family. It provides carve material which can be used to make an entirely different sets of equipment.

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Out-of-box content. The hunter depicted in this release is wearing a full set Azure Rathalos armour.
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Front view of both Azure and Red Rathalos hunter.
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Back view of both Azure and Red Rathalos hunter.
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There are basically no difference between the 2 figure besides the colour scheme.
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The great sword is still a pain-in-the-ass to prop up.
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The detail on both the figure and weapons are superb.
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Great sword upward swing!
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Jumping slash. No, you cant do that in the game. It looks great though.
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Downward slam! The effect part is useful to capture the motion.
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A comparison of both the great sword. Rathalos Firesword and Shiny Rathalos Sword.
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Monster Hunter PvP!!! No, this does not happen. =P
My comment on the previous Rathalos Hunter figure applies here too since it is basically the same figure with a different colour scheme. Once again, I would like to point out the weakness in the Revoltech joint which is unable to withstand huge amount of weight. Hence, it is very difficult to prop this figure up without the usage of the stand and in most cases, the stand does very little to support the figure. It makes matter worse if the great sword was equipped on the figure. 

As a conclusion, the detail on the figure is topnotch but the the flimsy joints make it less desirable. That aside, it is still a must-have for any Monster Hunter fans out there.