Not everybody will realize this but I am actually a gamer. I love gaming as if it is a second nature to me.
Yes… you got me right… I am guilty… It is something that I have realized myself just recently. If there is a game and there are challenges, I will always take up the fight. I have been playing online games, PS2 games, PC games, card games, board games and etc but I never realized the truth not until my friends cum colleagues told me about it.
It all happens during the Valentine Day. I went out for a “date” with 2 of my lovely colleagues on a errrr… single steamboat party. It is safe to say that it is actually a party for losers. =P Hopefully no one reads about this. We have a great time with the steamboat and later on we went to Yacht Club to play a board game call MAD. As the game implies it, this is supposed to be a funky game. It was nostalgic. I remember playing this game once in primary school. Some well-off kids brought it during a midterm break and they actually let a not so popular kid such as me to join them. We have a lot of fun and those were the days…
Flashing back to Valentine Day. It was fun in the beginning since everyone was not used to the rule of the game but I have the advantage of playing this game before. It was so long ago that I thought I will most probably forget about it. To my surprise, the game was rather familiar. I was paired with Farrah who does not know anything about that game. Guess that is the only handicap that I get but I should actually go a little easy on the game. =P To know more about this MAD board game, you should google it out. I bet this game still exist till today.
Well you see, when I start to play a game, I will switch to my gaming mode. At that moment, I will play the game based on a single rule that I always followed throughout all my other games, I “play to win”. Well, I guess that is my fault. =P I was being told that I am taking the game too seriously. Most of the people around the table said that I was too focused with the game which takes out the surprise and fun factor out of the game. I guess they are actually right on that. =P.
Forward to Lunar Year, I went out along with some of my friends to “raid” houses for red packets. We were all gathered in of our house and started to play some card games. All of us are considered as goodie-two-shoes so we did not gamble (or too poor to actually gamble). To add some thrill into the game, we impose a punishment to the loser. The loser has to eat a piece of those fried crackers. =D It was rather fun looking at all those different reaction. =P
Even though I did not have that much fun playing MAD, I actually enjoy the company. =D Guess I should go out more “dates” =D.