Location: Unknown
Subject: Kururu Robo RT04
This is all I get after all these years developing mecha. I guess there is no one to blame except myself to have drawn so much attention that leads to my current predicament. As if helping out with NERV to develop their bio-humanoid mechas is not enough, I have to stick my ugly head playing double agent to those Federation and Zeon goons.
Amidst all the chaos that surrounds me, there came the Keroro Platoon and I was kidnapped by them to assist them in developing the Keroro Platoon Robo. They did not brief me on the purpose of those robo but I believe that they are on to no good so I refuse to cooperate with them. After being detained for so long with continous torture and coercion, they finally broke my resolve and I agreed in helping them develop 4 mechas for the usage of the 4 platoon members.
This transmission contained detail information regarding each mechas. I have to go through a lot of trouble getting this across. I have no idea what terror awaits me if they found out about this. If you are reading this message, use it well! You might be the last hope of Earth to defend itself from this slippery alien invasion! Stand up and fight!

This is Kururu Robo developed for the usage of Sergeant Major Kururu. I have no idea why he even needs me in this project since I believe he himself is capable of developing those mechas without my help in the first place. What I hate most regarding him is his cackling!!!

Back view of the mecha.

Side view along with the close up on both pincer.

The standard space bike issue to all 4 mechas.

Hidden weapon for this mecha. This dish can fire a high density sonic pulse and it can be used as a radar to collect information regarding the surrounding.

Ready to attack!!!