Purgstall, in spite of being one of the twelve most powerful beings in the world, was considered timid, and disliked violence. Dr.Barcus has chosen him in Vienna around 215 years before the present. He was Austrian, which implies that he was a citizen of the Holy Roman Empire. His name was taken from an ancient fortified market town which is not north-east Austria, the Purgstall an der Erlauf.

This is Plugstahl in his Zoalord battleform. His colour scheme is associated to the sky which he draws his power from.

He is able to summon thunderstorm at will. Pluqstahl demonstrated his power when he was fighting with Guyver Gigantic.

Pluqstahl raise his arm and use it as a lightning rod to harness the power of the element. His combat abilities were vast, but most effective across a distance.

Once he accumulated a charge, he will be able to direct the blast towards his enemies.

Pluqstahl comes with a cape, which is exclusive to the Zoalord.

Pluqstahl with the cape on. Now he can really live up to the status of a Zoalord.

He emits an oppressing presence with the addition of the cape.
Pluqstahl is actually one of the Zoalord that I actually like and love but alas, he was betrayed and killed by the rogue Zoalords. All in all, this is another great figure from Max Factory. If you are a Guyver fan and you come across one of this on sale at a reasonable price. Grab it! I assure you, you would not regret adding this Zoalord to your collection.