After returning home from his near-death experience in the hands of a group of terrorist, Tony delved further into developing a suit which is far superior than it's predecessor. With that in mind, the Mark II was born.

Out-of-box content. This comes with the little accessories. Why am I not surprised?

Front view of the figure. The stainless steel like coating is really attractive. This is one of the main selling point.

Back view of the figure. This version of the suit is covered with rivets. From head to toe. Makes you wonder what did Tony used to piece all the later version of the suit with.

Close up. Looks pretty good for a prototype.

Another selling point for this figure is the LED gimmick. Kaiyodo took the time to install a LED inside the torso of the figure which imitates the illumination from the arc reactor.

Let us go for a test drive.

Arc reactor functioning in full capacity.

Tony used this suit extensively to develop flight control for his later suit.

This figure comes with Tony's head. Like usual, Kaiyodo does not seems to be able to nail it right with facial feature but I guess this will pass as "Tony Stark".

One of a kind. The slim Mark II and the weaponized bulky War Machine.
This figure is another nice addition to the Iron Man series. I have come to accept the the good and the bad for this series but Kaiyodo should really consider including more accessories with their upcoming release.