Saturday, May 19, 2012

Figma #107 RoboCop

Alex James Murphy was an exceptional cop who was killed while in the line of duty. He was brought back to life through the cyborg enforcement program as OCP Crime Prevention Unit 001 or better known as RoboCop.

Out-of-box content. This is my first Figma and I am really impressed with all the accessories. It comes with 4 pairs of hands, a stand, a damaged helmet, a rack and the handgun along with the effect part.

Front view of the figure.

Close up on the front. The detail is superb.

You are under arrest. Drop your weapon!

RoboCop aint giving you the middle finger. That is a data spike which is used to download information from the police database.
Resisting arrest? Say hello to my friend here.
Close up on the handgun and the rack. This is pretty sweet.



I am a cop on duty.

The effect part was not that impressive but it adds up to the impression of this figure.

This figure comes with a damaged helmet. It looks kind of odd when you have a damaged helmet but a mint body.

This RoboCop from Figma was something fresh to me who was only used to collecting figures mostly from the Revoltech series. Looking at this figure brings back a lot of nostalgic memories of this futuristic cop. If you are the 90's generation just like me than you ought to pay your tribute to this protector of peace.


aikoakito said...

The quiet blogsphere is now liven up with this pretty guy. But, why backdated one? :P

eehtsitna said...

Cause it was supposed to be published on that date. :P