Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Revoltech #093 ZOIDS Blade Liger

Zoids are fictional mechanical lifeforms, found on Planet Zi. A Zoid is essentially a mechanical animal formed around a techno-organic 'core' (known as a "Zoid Core"), which serves as its heart and mind. The Core is considered to be 'alive', making the Zoid a living creature. Otherwise, its body is an artificial mechanical construct like any other mecha.

The Blade Liger is a Lion-type Zoid, a race of mechanical lifeforms from the fictional Zoids universe. The Blade Liger features heavily in the first two anime series’, Zoids: Chaotic Century and Zoids: Guardian Force, where it is piloted by the protagonist, Van Flyheight. It also plays a relatively important role in the Battle Story and secondary roles in the Zoids: New Century and Zoids: Fuzors anime. (Zoids wiki)

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Out-of-box content. Surprisingly, it does not comes with a lot of accessories.

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Front view of the figure.

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Side view of the figure.

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Side view of the figure.

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The prowling liger.

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Trying to capture the pose of the figure in mid jump but fail miserably.

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The detail on this figure is superb.

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The liger scratching it's back.
I bought this figure out of curiosity and I have to say that I am impressed. The paint job was great with some minor issue. The sculpt and articulation were good. My only concern regarding this figure is that it is actually very heavy and the Revoltech joints seem to have issue trying to coup with all the stress imposed by the figure. I would not encourage anyone to play with this figure or else the joints would worn out and would not be able to support the figure.

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