Thursday, April 11, 2013

I am getting a "life"!

I have poured countless hours into my PSP. I cannot even recall how many games which I have played on that handheld but I am quite certain that I have finished more than 20+ games from RPGs such as Joan of Arc to action games such as the Monster Hunter series to strategy games such as the Super Robot series over the years. The battery cannot hold charges anymore, the buttons were beginning to turn unresponsive and the new release of game was about to dry out. It have seen better days. It is about time to put it to rest.

While I was pondering the best way to deal with this relic of mine. I was having thoughts of getting a new replacement and what better portable to pick up other than the PSP successor, the PS Vita?

After doing some survey on the market price, I have finally decided to pick one up on a Japanese online store. Stick around for some PS Vita games I will be sharing here on my blog.

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